1. How to charge motor
2. Setting limits on a shade.
Always refer to the motor manual as the limit setting will vary depending on the motor model.
3. Deleting limits on a shade.
Always refer to the motor manual as the limit setting will vary depending on the motor model.
4. How to pair multiple motors to a single channel remote.
If you are using a motor from the WSERD 30 family, these are battery motors only. First, prepare the single channel remote by removing the plastic battery tab. Next pair the remote to the motor in one of two ways. First, you can plug in the motor and it will jog showing it is ready for remote pairing. Then press the up/down button simultaneously once- release then pulse the stop button once. The motor will jog once again and this indicates the motor is now paired.
The second way to pair the remote is to either press the button on the motor head once so it can jog. After this, you press the remote’s up/down buttons simultaneously then release, then pulse the top button once so the motor will jog again, indicating that it is now paired.
After pairing the initial remote motor, you must set the limits. To do so, you must first confirm directional control. Press the up to confirm motor will travel up if backward, correct the direction with the following steps otherwise move on to limit setting/down buttons on the remote simultaneously to correct positioning. To correct the direction, you will pulse the up/down buttons simultaneously once. Then pulse the stop button six times. Then pulse the arrow down button once and the motor will jog. After this has been completed, check for the directional function again. If it is correct, the motor is now ready for limit setting. For setting the upper limit you move the shade to the up position and stop at the desired height. Then pulse the up/down button at the same time once, then pulse the stop button twice, then the and the up arrow button once. The motor will jog and this means the upper limit is now set. You can now move the shade to the lowered desired position to set the lower limit. To set the lower limit, you must pulse the up/down buttons at the same time simultaneously once, pulse the stop button twice, and then pulse the down arrow once. After this, the motor will jog and the lower limit has now been set. You may now test your shade. Before moving on to the next shade, please put the motor to sleep by pressing the motor program head button once. The motor will jog and you will then need to press the motor program head button again four times. You will see a red light on and then it will turn green. Your motor is now asleep. Repeat the pairing and programming steps previously mentioned for the second, third, etc. shades you add. After this, the motors have been completely set up, and you may take the first motors that have been put to sleep out of sleep mode, by waking the motor up. To do so, you press the motor program head button once.
5. How to replace the battery on a remote.
Always refer to your remote instruction manual, however, depending on the remote type there are two solutions. If your remote is from the Navigator Series, they have a sliding slot on the bottom for easy replacement. Using your fingernail or a flathead screwdriver, gently use this to pry open the swing-out battery tray. If your remote is from the Pioneer series, you must remove the 4 screws in the back to separate the two halves of the remote. This will allow you to gain access to the battery compartment.
6. How to add a second remote or different accessories.
If the motor has a program button on the motor head, press it one time. The motor will jog, then quickly on the handheld remote, press the up/down button at the same time once followed by the stop button once. The motor will jog a second time and you are now paired. The second way would be using a paired remote to add a second remote. To begin, do the following: on the current remote press the up/down button at the same time once. Then press the stop button eight times and this will follow with a motor jog. Finally, on your new remote, press the up/down button at the same time once then and the stop button once, motor will jog so that now the new remote is now paired. You now can test for functionality after the second jog.
7. How to put the motor to sleep.
Note for WSER30-B motors: Press the motor head button once and the motor will jog. Then press the motor head button four times and you will see that the red LED light will illuminate each time it is pressed. The motor will jog and then will be asleep.
8. How to wake up the motor.
Plugging in the charger is one way to wake your motor up or you can press and hold the motor head button for six seconds. You will see a green LED light that will flash three times, and then turn red. This indicates that the motor is now awake.
9. Taking motor out of "step-by-step" mode.
Using the already paired remote, you pulse the up/down button at the same time once, then pulse the stop button once, followed by pulsing the down arrow button once. The motor will jog and you are now removed from step mode.
10. Putting a motor into "discovery" to pair remote.
This is the alternative pairing option. First, if the motor has a programming button, pulse the motor head button once. The motor will jog and is now ready to pair a remote. The second alternative method is for if you have an AC motor. You must perform two “power-ups”. To do so, you first disconnect the power, then connect the power again. The motor will jog and you then disconnect the power again, wait five seconds, and reconnect the power again. The motor will jog a second time. Disconnect the power again, wait five seconds and then reconnect the power. The motor will jog again and this time the motor is now “listening” and is in discovery mode. You can now pair a remote.
11. Why is the motor going in the wrong direction?
To correct the direction of your shades, there are two ways. First, if your motor has a motor program head button, hold it down for more than three seconds, or until the motor jogs. This will reverse direction. The second method is to use the paired remote. Press the up/down buttons at the same time once, then pulse the stop button six times, and finally press the down arrow button once. The motor will jog and this will reverse the direction.
12. How to create groups of motors in one multi-channel remote?
One way to use the M mode, which means grouping mode, or if there are spare unused channels you can use those unused channels to be paired to multiple motors. This creates a group within one channel. To activate the step-by-step mode, you pulse the up/down button once, the stop button once, and the up arrow button once. The motor will jog. To deactivate, you would pulse the up/down button once, then the stop button once, followed by the pulse down arrow button once. The motor will jog and step mode is deactivated.
13. Why does it move just a little bit when I press up or down?
This is because it is in step mode. To activate or deactivate this, please refer to “taking a motor out of step mode.”
14. What is the little square hole in the battery motor for?
That is for an optional hand wand control item. This item is not offered in the USA.
15. How do I set a favorite or third limit?
With a remote already paired, and with top/bottom limits set, bring the blind to the desired favorite position. Press the stop button four times and wait for the motor to jog. This indicates that the favorite limit is now set. To bring the blind to that position again, long press the stop button until the motor starts moving. (The center button is also known as the stop button.) The shade position needs to be off the favorite setting in order to be moved onto the favorite in the first place. So, please make sure this is done before starting. You can press the up/down buttons fully to test that the limit is set.
16. What do “M” and “S” mean in LCD Multi-Channel remote?
M stands for group, also known as multimode. S stands for single channel functionality.
17. Why won't my remote pair?
After using all before tips mentioned, check and replace the battery in the remote, even if it is brand new. While there may be enough voltage to illuminate the LED lights, there may not be enough for the transmit circuit. These batteries should measure 3.3 Volts. If it is under that voltage, it is too weak to transmit the signal and thus cannot pair. Please replace the batteries with a new Duracell or energizer battery and then repeat the pairing method.
18. My motor stopped during programming!
AC motors have a thermal cutout; this is a safety feature of the product. So, if they are running for too long, this safety measure will trip and disable the motor for up to thirty minutes or until it cools down. If it ever overheats, the motor will turn off to avoid further damage as a means to protect the product.
19. Retractable awning motor, why can't I set an inner limit?
First, you must delete any limits previously programmed. It is then mandatory that you set the retracted inner limit first, then the outer limit.
Power cut sequence to pair remote
Why can't I assign a remote to the motor?
There are 3 ways to do this.
1. Apply power to the motor.
The motor will jog. Simultaneously press up and down on the remote. The motor will jog to confirm the assignment.
2. Tap the red button on the motor.
The motor will jog. Simultaneously press up and down on the remote. The motor will jog to confirm the assignment.
3. Disconnect power to the motor for 3 seconds.
Connect power to the motor for 3 seconds. The motor will jog. Do this a further 2 times. After the 3rd time, you connect the power and the motor jogs, simultaneously press up and down on the remote. The motor will jog to confirm the assignment.